Friday, January 30, 2009

My little appleseed

So I'm now 5 weeks pregnant. Not much has changed. I feel queasy at times but it's not too bad. Mainly I just feel extremely exhausted all the time. A nap sounds great 24 hours a day.

I got this weekly pregnancy update in my email that tells me how the baby is growing and all this fun stuff. This week it is the size of an appleseed. I'm going to call it that all week. My little appleseed.

On a completely different note, because of the stupid ice storm, we still have no power so we have been staying at Trin's house. I really, really hope it comes back on soon. Not that I don't mind staying at Trin's (and I am so thankful they have allowed us to) I just really miss my home. Please, power, come back!

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