Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lilly and fasting Day 2

I don't think I ever posted about my puppy that I got. I had been wanting another dog for Cyrus for a long time and I knew I wanted a boxer (cause that's what Cyrus is a mix with.) But we could never find a cheap pure bred boxer. That is until one day Ben found an ad for some very cheap ones. So I called and the next day we drove 2 hours to go pick her up. She was the runt and the only girl left so I just had to have her. My early Christmas present.

That was about 2 months ago. I would post pictures but I'm a slacker and forgot to bring them with me to work to upload them but believe me she is the cutest darn thing you will ever see. She is also the meanest. She is only about 20lbs right now but she has full authority and control over Cyrus (who is 80 lbs.) Don't get me wrong she loves to cuddle too but she is in full puppy mode still and full of spunk.

Tomorrow she gets fixed. I am sad that she has to go through it but I know it is necessary. Cyrus also gets to go to the vet to get his shots, so tomorrow morning should be interesting. I am making Ben go with me cause there is no way I could handle them on my own let alone if there are any other dogs there (Cyrus insists on being friends with every dog he sees)

As for fasting, well....I will be honest and say it is freaking hard. Ben got really sick last night and couldn't go to either of his jobs and I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and was incredibly shaky. Since Trin is doing this with me, we decided that since Pastor Aaron said we could split it up any way we want we decided it would be best to do one day of just water once a week. So I had an apple this morning and it was awesome. I feel 100% better. I will still be following the guidelines for the Daniel Fast for 21 days. I can honestly say that I can already feel God moving in my life. If it's only day 2, I can't wait to see where I'm at on day 21.

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