Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My First Photo Shoot

Well I have been really busy as most of you know with working 35 hours a week AND going to school 2 days. I'm sorry I haven't blogged in awhile but I haven't had much to tell ya'll. But I decided to display some of my work, well work in progress. Our first assignment in my studio practices class was to light a subject (the freaky manikin) with only one light source (hint the freaky light effect) from many different angles. It had to be in black and white which makes them look even freakier. So I introduce to you Jill the freaky bald, naked and pointer fingerless manikin (you can't tell in these pics but her pointer finger is broke off)

I guess their not bad pictures, just kinda boring but I'm sure as the semester goes on they will get better. So that's what I have been doing at school in case any of you were interested.


Perri said...

Not only is she a freaky, bald, digitless woman - she's naked!

I like #2 best

Andi said...

Very dramtic effect!

Anonymous said...

I like the top 2 the best. You can shine a light on me any day if you can make even a creepy mannequin look good. Well done. Can't wait to see some of your stuff later in the semester.

Anonymous said...

jada, you are doing awesome!! I always knew you would though :)
We need to get together and figure out a good time for pics!! Love ya!

Staci said...

Ditto Sam...these pics are great. If it was a real person they would be VERY happy with your work!

Jada said...

hey thank you all for the positive makes my heart happy!

MEAGAN said...

1 & 2 look awesome! I wish I were taking those classes too!

Melissa said...

They look great. The first one looks real....