Saturday, March 1, 2008


I did my friend Whitney's engagement pictures today. We went to the school to use the studio there (I will someday have my own) and it was much fun. I have to say that just being behind the camera and taking pictures is one thing in this world that I feel absolutely comfortable doing and I have so much fun when I do. I can't wait until I get to do this for a living. Anyway, here are a couple pictures of the lovely couple.

I really think they turned out well. What do ya'll think?


Sam said...

You are so talented. I haven't commented in a while, but I definitely enjoy seeing your pictures. I can't wait to see what pics you have come spring time.

I miss you. I come home the March 7th for spring break, so I'll be around soon. Hope all is well. Say hi to the animals and Ben.

Christine, Jason and Baby said...

You are doing a wonderful job taking pictures. I just might have to have you take some pictures of my baby when he/she arrives in July! Keep up the good work. It is wonderful that you have found something you enjoy and are so good at doing.

Perri said...

Jada, I think you captured their playfullness and happiness. I love the one of their hands. That's cool.