Thursday, August 27, 2009

35 weeks

So I have been a true slacker in the updating and blogging and to be completely honest it's simply because I haven't wanted to. But I figured I really need to do it soon because if not, I never would so today's the day. Ya hoo!!

At my last appointment my doctor told me that I've been measuring 3cm ahead the whole time and she wants an ultrasound at my next appointment on the 8th to check Mia's weight. I'm not sure if this means I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead or not but that would be totally cool with me :) because that would mean at my next appointment I would be almost 40 weeks and hopefully she will want to induce me or something like that if Mia is big enough because I know they don't want her getting too big. I know it's wishful thinking, and I really have no clue how I could be measuring that far ahead but hey, a girl can dream can't she? I really think I more like just a week ahead but still that means only 4 more weeks. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I am sooo beyond ready for her to be here now.

Ok so here's my 35 weeks picture:

To put it simply, I'm huge. Don't think so? Let's take a look at my 9 week picture....

I never thought I'd say it but I can't wait to look like this again. I actually look...dare I say...SKINNY....*sigh*....someday...

1 comment:

Penny said...

At my last appointment before Brianna was born, I was measuring about 6 weeks larger! You might have a big baby on your hands!