Thursday, April 30, 2009

18 weeks just 2 days I get to find out if our baby is a Jasper or an Amelia. I am so anxious it's killing me!

I have started feeling it kick this week. A lot. It's really weird but so neat at the same time. It isn't hard at all, it just feels like someone lightly flicking the inside of my lower belly. Ben had his hand on my belly the other night while we watched TV and he said he felt it kick. I'm not sure if he really did or not because I haven't even felt it from the outside yet but I let him believe he did. Maybe he really did. Who knows...

So it's the size of a sweet potato this week. Growing, growing, growing....

Here's the 18 week picture.

1 comment:

Christine, Jason and Baby said...

I think feeling William inside of me is the thing I miss the most about being pregnant. I LOVED feeling him move and kick. Well, except for when he decided to put his butt in my rib cage for the last 3 months and never move it. hehe Yeah for finding out what you are having. I like the name Jasper. Is this from Twilight?