Saturday, December 13, 2008


it's been a long time since I've blogged. Well there's not too much going on to blog about but here's an update anyway:

I have been transferred to a different branch at my job. It was just supposed to be for a month but that was in October and I'm still here. They really need another teller and I am filling that position until they find full time teller.

And it might just be me.

I'm part time right now but I have the option to go full time but I would have to stay at that branch. It's really a hard decision because I really want to go full time but I like working at my hometown branch better. But I think I have decided that I need to get over it and accept the full time position. I could really use the extra money and I don't see them sending me back to the other branch for a long long time anyway.

So why not?

Well you may be saying "because Jada, you are going to do the smart thing and go back to school next semester so you can get your degree and start your own photography business someday, and not be the college drop out." And then I would say...

Your wrong.

I am not going to go back to school next semester, or the one after that. In fact I'm not sure WHEN or IF I will go back to school and frankly that doesn't bother me one bit. I am very happy at my job. It pays well, I have great co-workers, and it's an easy job. I've never liked a job this much and I honestly can't see myself quitting anytime soon, even if I do get my degree. So I'm going to save myself the money and time and not go back to school unless I somehow change my mind. I can always go back to finish but I just don't have the desire to right now.

Besides, I have learned enough about photography that I can still do it on the side and make a little more money. I have clients lined up until next October already so I don't think I will have a problem. I love photography and just because I'm not in school doesn't mean I can't still do what I love and profit from it.

The full time position is not an absolute yet but I'm 99% sure I will get it the first of the year.
I feel very good about my decision and the possibilities it has for my future.


Andi said...

Well congratulations on making a decision you feel good about!

I need to get on your calender for my kids pics soon!

Tina said...

I was a bank teller for awhile when Kasey & I first got married. I really liked it. All days, no Sundays and only till noon on Saturdays...can't beat that! Congrats!