Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My lively place

I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Enjoying the Small Things, today and at the end of it was a give away and in order to win you had to take a picture of a lively place in your home and send it to the blogger with a brief discription of it. A place where life happens. As soon as I read what she wanted, I looked up from my lap top, grabbed my camera, and snapped this photo:

This picture simply, yet beautifully, captures our happy life.

This is our coffee table in our living room, and just glancing at it gives away so many things about our little home. Even though the table gets cleared off countless times a day, at any given moment, it can look just like this. Aside from the dirty bib, Easter egg, book, video game controller, cell phone, paci, and other misc. things, you can see my sweet little girl having tummy time with various toys around her in the background.

To many, this may not be a good or interesting photo, is but to me, it is amazingly beautiful.

This is where our life happens.
And what a beautiful life it is.


Unknown said...

geez this made me tear up...beautiful picture :)

Tina said...

I read her post too. I think the place that life happens in our house is our fridge. I wonder how many times it is opened and shut in a day. (and sometimes left open) It holds leftovers that can tell the stories of what life was like up to 2 weeks ago (yuck) And it's door holds my kids artwork and my favorite pictures of them and coupons to our favorite mexican joint and pizza delivery. The most important item might be the babysitter's phone number:)