Friday, April 9, 2010

Movin' on up!

So this morning, while i was getting ready for work, I had Mia in her crib, like every other morning. She can see me in the bathroom from there so that makes her happy. She had some toys and was playing and at one point I heard her squeal so I looked back and SHE WAS STANDING!! She had used the crib rail to pull herself up and boy did she think she was a hoot. She was laughing and squealing like crazy, even as she slowly slouched and fell to the side. I just stood there saying "What are you doing?! You shouldn't be doing that yet!" Haha!

It was a big reality check though that our house needs to be baby proofed a bit. I told Ben he needs to lower her crib mattress tonight before she goes to bed especially since she is now sleeping unswaddled (yay!).

I'm just don't think I'm ready to have a kid yet. I mean, I just got used to having a baby!

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