Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm new at this...

I'm not sure if this whole blogging thing is for me but I thought I'd give it a try! So Here I am, writing a blog! Woo Hoo! Ha Ha.
Anywho, for all you who care, I finally got my classes finalized for school. My schedule looks something like this:

8:00-9:15am- English composition
1:00- 4:50pm- Studio practices
8:00-9:15am- English composition
1:00-4:50pm- Basic photography
6:00-9:50pm- Fundamentals of design

Which really isn't too bad except for the 4 hour gap in the mornings...reading/homework time i guess. I also have to take a 1 credit hour class the 5 days before schools starts. It's something about life skills but it's mandatory! So yeah, I'm totally excited about finally going back to school and doing something I really enjoy. Hopefully when I start I can find a decent photography job somewhere, just till I graduate.
Well that's it for me tonight. Thanks for reading! Have a great day all!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's that comment box! Glad you've joined the blogging world. Now I can keep up to date with you when I'm at school... without calling each other!!!

I'll just comment on the rest of your posts now. I'm still skeptical about Hairspray. Possibly one to rent?

Harry Potter is well worth the wait. If anyone tells you what happens, you just let me know and I'll go Avada Kadavera on their butt. I've got your back.