Today at
approximately 5:30pm I will begin torturing myself with a new
exercise program, P90X. I am excited to get in shape (for once in my life) but extremely terrified of the
immense pain and soreness I will endure. Ben started this morning and when I asked him how it was he said "It destroyed me." That is coming from a man who is in decent shape already.
I am in no shape (unless you consider flabby a shape) whatsoever, so this should be interesting. I will be posting both of our "before" pictures later tonight so I have something to keep me motivated. Though we both have completely different goals we are going for (he wants to GAIN body mass and muscle, I want to lose weight and be toned) we are doing this together to keep each other accountable. We will also be dieting (I have been since the new year and lost 6lbs already!!) and try to live a more active life all together. Here is my list of reasons why I want to have this major life style change:
- Amelia. I want to set a great example for her and encourage her to live a healthy, active life. Plus, the
healthier I am now, the longer I will be around...I want to be a great-great grandma someday.
- I want to be proud of my body for once. I don't want to have to question whether or not something looks good on me, I want the confidence that it does.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19 says
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own..". My body should be an outward example of what is on the onside. We have to take care of the bodies that He gave us.
So there, now, not only am I being accountable for myself but to anyone who reads this blog. I don't want to
disappoint. I am determined to get in shape and stay that way. Who is going to join me?