Saturday, December 19, 2009


So this week has been FULL of firsts for Amelia. Ok first she started reaching for stuff. I think I mentioned that last post but she has been doing it soooo much more. She can bring things to her mouth now to chew on them, like her bib. So CUTE!

Next, she got her first little tooth peeking though. I about flipped when I saw it. I new she was teething but I just didn't expect to see a tooth so soon! Needless to say, she has been a MUCH happier baby since it came in. That brings me to the next first...... she had her first real baby laugh. I, of course, did not get to witness this, but Ben did. And what was it that got this baby to give her first real laugh???............Cyrus. Yep, the dog! He was going crazy running around the house and every time he would run back in the living room she would laugh at him. She hasn't done it since but I really wish I could have heard it!!! Baby laughs are the best!!

OK that's about it I think. Everyday is full of new things and discoveries for her and I absolutely LOVE seeing her learn and grow! I am truly blessed to have her in my life!

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