Thursday, July 2, 2009

27 weeks

So I had my 27 week appointment today and I had to do the glucose screening test for gestational diabetes. For anyone who happens to not know what that is, it's where they make you drink about 8oz of this orange stuff that I didn't really think was too bad. It was just like orange soda with a little extra sugar. Then you have to wait an hour and have your blood drawn. They will call me when they get the results to let me know if I have to go back and do the 3 hour test which I'm pretty sure I will but am hoping not.

Other than that all is well and Mia is healthy. Heartbeat was 152 and sounded good. I have actually lost 1.5 lbs which I know is not good but the doctor didn't say anything about it. Not too sure why I have lost weight...I eat ALL THE TIME. Maybe I've been a tad stressed lately and that's why, but I'm sure it will pick right back up.

I know I didn't post last week but I have just been so busy. what's one week though?

Anywho here is my 27 week picture. I actually took it last night but it will do.

My pants make my belly look kinda weird but really it's nice and round lol.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I read several articles that say it's common to have a large gain one month followed by a small gain or even a small loss and that it's nothing to worry about unless it becomes a pattern. Good luck on your glucose test, I hope you pass! You look super cute!