Monday, March 15, 2010

This and that

So I'm in full swing of trying to get my photography business off the ground. I'm designing some business cards, booking shoots, looking up contracts...all that good stuff. Oh did I mention I'm getting a studio??? YEAH!! Its going to be in the new building our church is getting and they are letting me have one of the big rooms for my studio. It's and old industrial arts building and by old I mean totally horror-movie-creepy so it's going to need some renovating but I'm hoping possibly by the end of the year I will be up and going. I'm beyond excited and soooo ready to be doing what I love full time while getting to spend more time with my beautiful daughter. It really will be perfect. So if you need pictures, you know who to call :)

I really wish I could post more pictures but seeing as I can only blog at work, its not quite possible. I have some great pictures from a play date Amelia had the other night with a little girl only a month older than her. A month older yet, 5 lbs smaller. HA! Mia looks like she could eat her, its too cute though.

I'm totally and completely ready for spring. It's been teasing me lately with nice days here and there but the rain and cold always returns.....come on sunshine....we miss you so much!! I bought Mia's Easter dress the other day and boy is it precious. Her first Easter....I can't wait!

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