Monday, May 26, 2008

80s night

Last night our church had an 80s night. Well Trin and I went all out and were totally excited about our outfiys we bought:

It was much fun. People went up and sang some 80's hits such as "I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore", A Weird Al song, some U2, and some REO. Good stuff. Here is picture of some of the fashionable ladies:

Gabe and Trin:

and of course me and Ben....don't we look like the classic 80s couple....ha!

Friday, May 9, 2008

School's out for summer!

That's right! I couldn't be happier either. And guess what I got a 4.0 for the semester! That hasn't happened since Jr. High for me. I must say, I am very proud of myself. The next 3 months should be pretty relaxing for me. Only 3 more semesters to go! lol

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Will you take him?

We are getting rid of Ozzy our little dog. Ben doesn't like him and Cyrus is too rough with him. If anyone is interested or knows anyone who is interested, please let me know ASAP. Ben is taking him to the pound if I don't find a family that wants him soon. I really don't want him to so let me know if you want this cute little dog.

He is about 8 years old, sweet, good with kids, and completely house broken. He calm and quiet and gets along great with other animals. Anyone want him?

Monday, May 5, 2008


Haven't posted in awhile. Sorry.
This is the last week of School. I cannot begin to describe how excited I am.
I go to Florida in 33 days. I think that is about the only thing pushing me forward right now...the fact that I will be resting on a beach in just over a month.

Ben and I recently started watching the first season of Heros. I can't believe I was missin out all this time. I am addicted. So is Ben.

Ben and I had a nice day yesterday. WE went to eat at one of our most favorite Chinese places after chuch with friends. We filled our tummies with yumminess. Then we got home and went to the park with Cyrus so I could take some pictures for my last project. Ben took last night off just so we could hang out today and watch Heros. It was so very nice. I love him.
Here is my final project for my photography class. The theme is "At the Park." Enjoy.